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Subsidy & Co-Payment of Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme

Screening Phase
  • Include screening consultation and related laboratory investigations and examinations
  • The Government will provide a one-off fixed subsidy of $196 to cover the relevant expenses. Scheme Participant will only need to pay a one-off co-payment fee of $120
Treatment Phase Consultation
  • The Government will provide a partial subsidy of $166 for each subsidised consultation, while Scheme Participant will only need to pay the co-payment fee determined by Family Doctor upon enrolment to the Scheme. The Government recommended co-payment fee is $150
  • No additional payment on receiving drugs under the list of Specified Drugs and/or up to 3 days of drugs for episodic illnesses
Laboratory Investigation
  • The Government will provide a partial subsidy for each item. Scheme Participant only has to pay the co-payment fee
Nurse Clinic
Allied Health Services
  • The Government will provide a partial subsidy for each subsidised visit
  • Scheme Participant only has to pay the co-payment fee

Note: Subject to mutual agreement, Family Doctor may charge the Scheme Participant for services outside the service scope of the Scheme

Elderly Health Care Voucher (including the reward under Pilot Reward Scheme) is applicable to the Scheme
Medical fee waiver is not applicable to the Scheme